What is the best posting schedule for LinkedIn in 2024

Every social network like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook has the best times - i.e. the time when the most number of people are online, and hence the most likely to see your posts. For LinkedIn, the best time to post is on either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday between 11:00AM to 2:00PM.

Most of the people on LinkedIn are corporate, working people, and are most likely logging in during work. Therefore we studied various reports to understand when people are at work the most. A report from Vergesense, which analysed over 75 million square feet of office space by day of the week, and time of day - found the following:

Tuesdays are the most popular days, followed by Wednesday and Thursday: Tuesdays are the most popular days - i.e. this is the day of the week that the most number of people turn up for work, and they found that this peak drops after 2PM. Wednesdays and Thursdays were a close second. Fridays were the worst - which makes sense as most people may take Fridays off with the weekend coming up. Monday's were the second worst - which again makes sense because a lot of people will come in late or miss Monday from having a hectic weekend.

Therefore if you are looking at the time when your post has the chance to reach the most number of people on LinkedIn, Tuesday between 11:00AM to 2:00PM is your best time. After 2:00PM there is a drop - maybe due to lunch, and which continues till the end of the day.

Summary of the best posting day of the week and time for LinkedIn:

  1. Tuesday: Between 11:00AM to 12:00PM on Tuesday.
  2. Wednesday: Between 11:00AM to 12:00PM on Wednesday.
  3. Thursday: Between 11:00AM to 12:00PM on Thursday.
  4. Monday: Between 11:00AM to 12:00PM on Monday.
  5. Friday: Between 11:00AM to 12:00PM on Friday.

The best time to post on LinkedIn on Monday:

Monday is the second worst weekday to post on LinkedIn. Monday saw a capacity usage of just 7%, and 35% less in-office time compared to Tuesday - but if you are still looking to post on Monday, the best time would be at 11:00 AM on Monday.

The best time to post on LinkedIn on Tuesday:

Tuesday, the most popular day of the week, saw a capacity usage of 10.8%, and the study saw a drop from 12:00PM at noon to 2:00PM. So, the absolute best time to post on Tuesday so that you reach the most number of people at work is between 11:00AM to 12:00PM on Tuesday.

The best time to post on LinkedIn on Wednesday:

Wednesday, the second most popular day of the week, saw a capacity usage of 10.6%, and the study again saw a drop from 12:00PM at noon to 2:00PM. So, the absolute best time to post on Wednesday is between 11:00AM to 12:00PM on Wednesday.

The best time to post on LinkedIn on Thursday:

Thursday, the third most popular day of the week, saw a capacity usage of 9%, just below Wednesday. The best time to post on Thursday is between 11:00AM to 12:00PM on Thursday.

The best time to post on LinkedIn on Friday:

Friday's are the least popular day of the week, and for Friday the study saw 61% less in-office time compared to Tuesday - with an in-office capacity average of just 4.1% - but if you are still looking to post on Friday, the best time would be at 11:00 AM on Monday.

Before scheduling your post, you need to also understand who your target market is, and schedule according to their local times. If you need more help with scheduling posts for LinkedIn, our previous post gives you all the details.